Dental implants

 Definition of a dental implant

A dental implant is an artificial root made of titanium that replaces a lost or extracted tooth root. It is inserted into the jawbone to anchor a removable or fixed dental prosthesis.

Titanium is the material most commonly used in its manufacture. It is perfectly biocompatible, which means that no intolerance reactions have been observed to date. In addition, numerous studies have shown that bone tends to fuse naturally with titanium, a phenomenon known as osseointegration. This fusion creates a solid bond between the implant and the bone, resisting the forces of mastication and offering long-term reliability. This is why the implantology technique is so successful.

 Dental implants are a reliable, cost-effective alternative to bridges or removable appliances.


 Dental implants can benefit several categories of people:

  • Individuals who have lost one or more teeth and wish to replace them permanently and stably.
  • People who need to replace all their teeth, either in one or both jaws.
  • People looking for solid support for removable dentures, such as those held in place by press studs.
  • Those who cannot tolerate traditional removable dentures and are looking for a more comfortable and functional alternative.


Who can benefit from implant treatment?

Implant treatment can be offered to anyone as long as bone growth is complete and the patient is in good general health. Age is not a determining factor, as long as the patient's medical conditions allow the procedure and the jawbone is adequate to receive the implant.


insufficient bone

If the amount of bone available in the jaw is insufficient to accommodate a dental implant, a bone graft may be necessary. This surgical procedure aims to increase bone volume to provide adequate support for the implant. You can obtain detailed information about this process from our specialist dentist.


 Dental implants offer a number of advantages:

  1. Protection of adjacent teeth: By replacing a missing tooth, implants prevent damage to neighbouring teeth.
  2. Prevention of bone atrophy: Implants prevent the bone loss that can occur after the loss of a tooth, ensuring greater stability of complete dentures.
  3. Aesthetics preserved: Implant-supported teeth look and function like natural teeth, preserving the aesthetic appearance of the smile.
  4. Preservation of facial shape: By preventing osteoporosis following tooth loss, implants help preserve the natural shape of the face and prevent premature ageing.
  5. Comfort and functionality: Implants allow you to eat and drink normally, improving your quality of life on a daily basis.
  6. Increased longevity: The latest-generation implants are designed to be more stable, comfortable and functional than traditional prostheses, offering exceptional durability.
  7. Significant improvement in quality of life: By restoring masticatory function and the aesthetics of the smile, dental implants make a significant contribution to improving the patient's overall quality of life.


Dental implant treatments take place in two distinct stages:

Stage 1: In the first stage, the dental surgeon prepares the infrastructure consisting of the implants. This phase of the treatment generally lasts between 2 and 3 days. The actual placement of the implants takes between 1 and 2 days, depending on the complexity of the procedure. A post-operative check-up is usually carried out the day after the operation. Once the implants are in place, it takes between 3 and 4 months for osseointegration, i.e. the fusion of the implants with the jawbone, to take place. During this first stage, the patient generally stays in Turkey for between 3 and 5 days.


Stage 2: Once osseointegration is complete, a dental impression is taken and sent to the laboratory. The laboratory then manufactures the bridge or crowns required. Any temporary crowns are removed and replaced with the ceramic crowns, bridges or dentures previously designed by the laboratory. This stage generally requires a stay in Turkey of 6 to 7 days.